Sand Dollar Construction, LLC


Samples of Our Work

Below are samples of some our Home Improvement projects. Below are samples of Additions, Bathroom Remodels, Kitchen Remodels, stairs, and flooring. More photos coming soon

Bathroom Remodel

Bathroom Remodel-

Toilet and tile work

New Garage and Addition and whole house siding

Kitchen Remodel-New Cabinets, New counter, new appliances, new floor, new lighting

Bathroom Remodel-Counter and mirror

Bathroom Remodel-Shower Doors

Kitchen Remodel-Cabinets and Counters

Kitchen Remodel-New Cabinets, counters, appliances, tile and custom-built shelves.

Bathroom Remodel-Shower ceiling tile and light

Kitchen Remodel-Custom Installed Spiral Stairs, Cabinets, Tile, and Trim

Complet interior Remodel-Ceiling, Wainscoting, Drywall, painting,

Flooring and stairs